"From the Penthouse to the Basement
Nov 16, 2009 - Dec 4, 2009Monday - FridayLocation: Cost: FreeOpening Reception: noneClosing Reception: Thursday, December 3 7:00-9:00pm
ASU’s printmaking and artists books organizations present annual exhibition and scholarship fundraiser. The public is invited to attend the exhibition, closing reception and silent auction fundraiser.
The School of Art’s ABBA: A-Buncha-Book-Artists and PSA: Printmaking Student Association present an exhibition of members’ work and silent auction to benefit student scholarships for “Printmaking in Greece”, ASU Study Abroad Program.
This annual exhibition features traditional and innovative printmaking and book arts. The public is invited to view the exhibition and handle artists books! ASU’s Printmaking program is ranked 5th in the country by US World News Report. The silent auction features original prints and handmade books by students and faculty. Auction bids start as low as $5 to $50 dollars. Silent auction artwork is available for viewing throughout the exhibition up to the closing reception. All proceeds raised benefit club scholarships.
This annual exhibition features traditional and innovative printmaking and book arts. The public is invited to view the exhibition and handle artists books! ASU’s Printmaking program is ranked 5th in the country by US World News Report. The silent auction features original prints and handmade books by students and faculty. Auction bids start as low as $5 to $50 dollars. Silent auction artwork is available for viewing throughout the exhibition up to the closing reception. All proceeds raised benefit club scholarships.
Public reception and silent auction closing is on Thursday, December 3, from 7 to 9pm. Silent auction bids close at 8pm. Please join us in viewing work by this nationally ranked program. Generous support from the Graduate Professional Student Association has been provided for reception catering."